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Natural crystal series ring-Medieval style blue crystal ring

Natural crystal series ring-Medieval style blue crystal ring

Regular price $36.00 USD
Regular price $48.00 USD Sale price $36.00 USD
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Blue crystal is a type of crystal with a blue tint. Because it contains a lot of trace elements such as iron and titanium, it appears blue. Depending on its origin, it comes in various forms and is worn as a talisman in the West.
Blue crystal represents wealth and piety, and people who often wear it can increase their prudence and make them more confident. In addition, blue crystal is also used as a talisman, and only people with strong wisdom in the West are qualified to wear it.
The tone of sapphire is cool, and after wearing it, it can dispel people's sorrow. As a cryogenic agent for anger, it is suitable for people with more violent temperaments.

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